According to Bowker Marketing Research, self published eBooks now have a 12% share of the entire digital marketplace.
Depending on the genre, some eBook sales are apparently as high as 20% in a particular niche, specifically romance, humour, science fiction and fantasy. Self published authors are not faring so well with children’s non-fiction eBooks or books about food in general.
Just who is reading self published eBooks?
Bowker’s data also shows that avid readers are more likely to buy self published books. More than half of readers who do buy self published books, apparently, are most likely to read every day. Also, women are among the majority of readers who purchase self publised eBooks.
Accordingly, self published eBook sales have tripled in 2012. A trend most likely to continue as more and more people give up on following the well trodden path to the publishing house and take control of their own publishing destiny.
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