Amazon Author Rank Update

by Aishah Macgill

I have not been following my authur ranking on Amazon at all. However, today I decided I would check in and see where my ranking stands right now.

When I first checked, I had only a few book sales and no book reviews. Now I have more than a dozen sales, and six book reviews. Intereresting to note how much I have improved my ranking in this time with so little sales.

I am now ranked 189,395!

On the 11th of October, 2012, I was ranked at 345,086.

Thats a pretty good improvment!

I need to take into consideration as well as the sales and reviews, that there are 18 more ‘likes’ on my page.

It’s good to know that little things do count on Amazon author rankings.

So, soon I hope to be able to post that I am in the top 100!

Only 189,295 to go!

If you are an author, login to Amazon Author Central here to check your ranking.

For the overall author ranking in real time on Amazon, click here.

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