Make a Killing on Kindle

Make A Killing On Kindle (Without Blogging, Facebook Or Twitter). The Guerilla Marketer’s Guide To Selling Ebooks On Amazon by Michael Alvear

Having purchased roughly 150 different marketing plans, strategies, software, all of which have been useful, I stumbled upon this kindle eBook on Amazon 3 days ago. Was it an accident that I found this book? After reading about his strategies, it appears not. I was somehow drawn into a clever marketing plan by the author, perhaps proof that what he has written here actually works. Take note of the title and subtitle, that’s a big fat clue to one guerilla strategy.

I had never heard of Michael Alvear until I purchased the book. He has a few other books on Amazon about marketing books and I will definately buy those too.

Whilst an author who is an absolute beginner may not comprehend some of the things he is talking about, anyone will certainly be able to follow most of it and implement at least some of the strategies.

If you are serious about cracking the code, and the way Amazon works is more complex than the Da Vinci Code, that’s for certain. They keep how they work a closely guarded secret. One can only assume that they have strict confidentiality agreements with their IT people, as far as I know, none of them have ‘leaked’ The Secret to Amazon gold, yet.

Author Michael Alvear has struck gold with this book. So much of what he says rings true with me. Many other books or marketing products on the subject of making money with Amazon kindle books are filled with other irrelevant information, this book isn’t.

Download and prosper. I intend to implement many of the strategies he suggests, plus some!

To purchase Make A Killing On Kindle (Without Blogging, Facebook Or Twitter). The Guerilla Marketer’s Guide To Selling Ebooks On Amazon by Michael Alvear, click here or on the bookcover below.

by Aishah Macgill